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Career Highlights:

* IFBB Professional Bodybuilder

* Team Universe Welterweight & Overall Champion

* 5-Time NPC Team Universe Weight Class Champion

* Holder of 6 National Titles

“In my 20 years in the game as an athlete, I’ve tried every conceivable natural product to get an edge on the competition. I stopped competing for some time because I felt that I had taken my physique as far as I could. Then I heard about a product line that was totally unique and taking the industry by storm from Muscle Stacks. I ordered the 3 Month Pro Stack and within 1 month, everyone was asking if I was competing again. 

My results were staggering. My strength and intensity in the gym skyrocketed and my hardness and muscularity improved dramatically. I improved so much and so quickly with Muscle Stacks formulas that I decided to compete again and won the Overall Championship at Team Universe and turned pro at 41 years of age!

The Muscle Stacks product line is by far the best product line I have ever used and am recommending it to everyone I know!”  


Career Highlights:

* IFBB Professional Bodybuilder

* NPC USA Heavyweight Bodybuilding Championships

* Heavyweight Champion & Awarded IFBB Pro Card

* Mr Olympia, Top 15

“I’ve always been the guy with amazing potential who couldn’t quite pull it together. I’m part Samoan, and getting my weight down to contest shape has always been a challenge. In fact, I couldn’t qualify for National Competition for years because of it. Then I went on Muscle Stacks products to lose bodyfat. I started at 285 lbs and 25% bodyfat. Big but really smooth…Ok, fat!

12 weeks later I was down to a very muscular 235 at 3.2% bodyfat! My strength levels are up, I’ve lost a tremendous amount of bodyfat while gaining 13 pounds of pure muscle mass. Muscle Stacks products are the missing link that helped me transform my physique from a “guy with potentail who is just too heavy” to a guy who smoked the most competitive heavyweight class ever at the USA Championships and became a pro!

I’ve tried EVERYTHING to unlock my potential but Muscle Stacks products are, by far, the most cutting-edge stuff you can use. This is truly as good as it gets…period!”


Career Highlights:

* 8-Time IFBB Ms. Olympia

* IFBB Professional Bodybuilder

“The Muscle Stacks product line are the best products I’ve ever used in over 20 years of training and competing. Safe, easy to use and incredibly effective. There can only be one “best” at anything and when it comes to supplements, Muscle Stacks is it! That’s why I’m putting my name behind it. I love Muscle Stacks products and you will too!”


Career Highlights:

* IFBB Professional Bodybuilder

* IFBB Masters (Over 40) World Championships, 2nd

* IFBB Masters (Over 40) Mr. Olympia, 2nd.

* NPCC Masters (Over 40) Nationals Overall Champion

* 3-Time NPC Team Universe Champion

* Holder of 5 National Titles

“I’ve been around bodybuilding at the highest levels for over 20 years and have won 6 National titles as a natural bodybuilder. I’ve won the Team Universe Championships 3 times. As you can imagine, competing naturally, I’ve tried every product you’ve ever heard of to get whatever edge I could. Some were OK, most were trash. I’ve tried other products that others said were the best and gotten no results at all. 

Then I got on Muscle Stacks products about 2 months before the Masters National Championships (to determine the best bodybuilder in the country over 40 years old). Within a few weeks, I was in shock with my results!

Muscle Stacks products are the best products I’ve used in my 20 years in the game. I crushed the Masters Nationals and earned my Pro Card at a weight of 193 pounds, 17 pounds heavier than I ever competed in my life. Next I decided to make my pro debut at the Masters Mr. Olympia contest. The result? I finished 2nd in the world and competed at 207 shredded pounds. 

In less than 18 months on the Stack, I gained 31 pounds of solid, rock-hard muscle, became the best over-40 bodybuilder in the country, turned pro and became the 2nd best Masters bodybuilder in the entire world! If Muscle Stacks can help me do that, a highly trained bodybuilder over 40 years old, Lord knows what it can do for you!”


Career Highlights:

* IFBB Professional Bodybuilder

* NPC USA Lightweight Bodybuilding Champion

* NPC National Middleweight Bodybuilding Champion

* Collegiate National Powerlifting Champion

“I first got on Muscle Stacks products about 2 months before my first national contest in the USA Bodybuilding Championships. Before that, I’d won a local novice show, but that was about it. Within a week or two of being on these bodybuilding supplements, I stared to notice muscle fullness and hardness that I’d never seen before. Then a week later, I realized I was so much harder than I’d ever been and still had 3 weeks to go! 

By the time the show came around, I was absolutely peeled. I went in at 147 pounds and destroyed the lightweight class at my first national show! I went from a novice competitor to a national champion in a matter of months and my body looked amazing. I didn’t even have to diet as hard once I was on the Ultimate Pro Stack. In fact, I was told by everyone I was the most shredded guy in the show. 

I committed myself to coming back at the USA and seeing what I could do. I used the Stack all year and couldn’t believe the size and strength gains I was experiencing while staying hard. When I showed up for weigh-ins for the USA, people said they didn’t recognize me. I was just as shredded as the previous year and weighed in at 173 pounds, 26 pounds heavier than I was just one year before! I took 3rd in a huge talented class of athletes. 

All I can tell you is that Muscle Stacks products is by far the most amazing natural product that you can find on the market. The scales at the National Bodybuilding events don’t lie. 26 rock-hard pounds of muscle in 1 year! What would you look like with another 26 pounds of muscle? Get Muscle Stacks and find out for yourself!”


Career Highlights:

* IFBB Professional Bodybuilder

* NPC USA Light Heavyweight Champion

“I used the 3 Month Ultimate Pro Stack when getting ready for the USA and my results were shocking. My strength levels and energy levels were noticeably better in the first 2 months and my conditioning just kept improving while I held my muscle. I ended up winning my class, getting my Pro Card, and everyone said I was the hardest athlete in the entire show!

When I decided to do my first pro show only 4 months after turning pro, I kept going on the Stack. It was incredible! When I won the USA, I weighed 195 pounds, but when I stepped on stage at the Charlotte Pro Show a few months later, I was 209 pounds in the same condition. People were freaking out at how much bigger I was in just 4 months.

The results speak for themselves…14 pounds of rock-hard muscle in 4 months. Muscle Stacks is the real deal and I highly recommend to anyone who asks what I personally use.”